Thursday, 22 September 2016

Vegan Buckwheat Noodle Stir Fry

What you will need

Extra virgin olive oil or sesame oil
1 packet of buckwheat noodles
2 tablespoons of tamari
1 teaspoon of chilli flakes or powder or a tiny piece of any chilli you have at home (finely chopped)
1 lemon
Salt & pepper to taste
1 teaspoon maple syrup
Sesame seeds
Mixed nuts ( I used almonds, pumpkin seeds and pine nuts)
1 teaspoon of cashew or almond butter or tahini


1 pepper
100 grams mushrooms
1 onion
1 small sized cabbage
200 grams carrots
All roughly chopped
(You can work with whatever veggies you have at hand, the more the merrier.)

For anyone who is wondering, tamari is a mostly gluten free Japanese sister of the traditional Chinese soya sauce. And buckwheat noodles are gluten free as well and they keep you full for a long time. So I have replaced soya sauce with tamari and regular noodles with buckwheat noodles. And I am pleased to report that there is no compromise on the taste, so lets dive right into the recipe!

Heat a pan and add some EV olive oil or sesame oil. As the oil heats add finely chopped ginger and garlic. Then add onions and fry for a couple of minutes. As the onions get colour add cabbage and peppers and mushrooms and keep stir frying the veggies on medium to high heat for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Meanwhile cook the noodles according to the instructions on the packet. Drain them and set them aside, ready to go.

In a small bowl mix tamari, lemon juice, cashew or almond butter or tahini, salt, pepper, chilli flakes, salt, pepper, grated ginger & maple syrup and this will be your stir fry sauce. When the veggies are done, drop this sauce into the pan and mix everything together. Then throw in the noodles as well and keep mixing everything together on low heat. Adjust the stir fry to your taste. I sometimes go in with more tamari or lemon juice or chilli just to make sure the stir fry is punchy enough.

Tamari tends to get quite salty so I tend to use minimal to no salt. Again, this depends on how much salt you put in your food. People use dramatically different quantities of salt and you should definitely keep tasting as you are cooking to make sure YOUR seasoning is on point.

Finally in small pan I throw in a handful of sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts and crushed almonds and toast them on medium to high heat for about a minute. Once the pan is really hot and they start getting the colour and start getting oily, I throw in a glug of tamari for a beautiful brown-golden glaze. I top my stir fry with this glaze. To serve, I just deposit everything in a bowl, garnish with some greenery (preferably coriander) and some more seeds.

This literally takes half an hour to cook and is so satisfying to eat. Let me know if you get to try this xx


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